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Tall Whore @ Mo Teng in Prince Edward









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發表於 2019-7-16 13:58:19 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
So I was going home from the MK horse baskets in MK and was on that bridge is when I walked past this hot skinny girl so I was checking her out and she was checking me out as well.  OMG, Coco?  She was like cataztrophe?  It turns out she was a whore I did in Toronto before.  What a fucking coincidence that I bumped into a whore I did in Toronto.  So I asked her what she is doing and she tells me that she is going home from meeting some sisters who works in a close by Mo Teng = new whoring info....LOL  Not my first day, visiting = working there...LOL  She asked me if she wants her to bring me there.  As interested as I was in the Mo Teng, I said no as I dont want to tap any other whores other than you cause I had a thing for you right from the start when I met you in Toronto....LOL  We went for sugar water at a near by sugar water shop to talk for a bit for me to convince her that we should fuck for free since it is destiny that we ran into each other...LOL  Ended up going to my place and tapped her once for $600 HKD but she stayed at my place for like 4 hours.  She left back to Toronto after a few days.

Now the point is armed with this new whoring info of a "Mo Teng"'s existence, I must find it.  So one day my coworker comes up to me and tells me he found some new private beauty pageant gigs in Prince Edward with really young hot whores he wants me to check out with him after work, so I was like fine lets go whoring....LOL  Not the first time someone told me about the new "beauty pageant gig" in PE as Keeper WB did the same thing and we ended up and a low class horse baskets which is nothing comparable to the one I usually go to so I knew it was probably bullshit.  Gio to PE and he brought me to an area where it was filled with foot massage parlors.  I was like fuck, these aint beauty pageant gigs, they are HJ MPs = got conned.  We ended up going MP hopping but I must admit, the MPAs were banging hot and young but what is the point of paying $400 HKD for HJ?  With that kind of money, I can get a top notch thai whore or a red card C9 so fuck it.  I told my coworker if he wants to get ripped off getting a HJ for $400 I will wait for him but I aint paying for a massage.  He was like no, I just came to deliver tangerines which is fine but the fucking idiot will go up, look at the MPAs and then go into the massage rooms and checking them out and telling me how he had a banging time in this room that time and this room the other time which is fucked up if he aint going to pay for a massage as the MPAs will diu us even more if he does this kinda shit.

Fuck, what a waste of time when I couldnt had been tapping 19 year olds at Temple Street.  Then I hear loud singing that resembled a kareoke.  I stop my coworker and tell him that since we aint doing anything, I want to follow the music as it sounds very suspicious.  We follow the music to a unit and the name of the business was labelled "Spain Mo Teng" = Napolean as this was how Napolean discovered the whole north america when he sailed his boat off into the oriental ocean.  Like this is the kind of exploration spirit one need to have in order to succeed.  This was the exact Mo Teng in which the whore I knew was at....LOL  So I tell my coworker, lets go in and explore....LOL  We going in and the door keeper told us some basic info and it is a total of around $500 to $600 for an hour so we were like fine lets try it......LOL

Fucking, we got in and it was dark and it was more like a Kareoke as I saw sofa were customers and whores singing together.  The whores were pretty hot all dressed sexy (late 20's to early 30's) and shit but it all a open area concept.  We had to pay $200 HKD cover to get in and then we got assigned a sofa area we sat at.  The mamasan came over so I fired my questions to uncover how this all works.  So it is like $200 per hour for a whore to sit with you and sing but if you want to fuck, it is $300 an hour per shot in stalled with a bed like sofa within it with just a curtain acting as a door so people dont see you fuck.  So if you want a extra shot with the whore it is an extra $100 so $400 altogether for 2 shots within the hour.  

The mamasan then brought over 10 whores and I got to pick = my favorite.  Man 6 out of the 10 whores were hot but I saw this whore who had a nice face and banging skinny, most of all she was taller than I was as I think she is at least 5'11 to 6'0.  She sat down beside me and asked if I want to sing Kareoke = not my first day = fuck off, not a chance....LOL  Aint payng nothing for the whore to sing.  I opted for the $400 for 2 fuck option and had to pay upfront. She brings me into a stall, we sit down so I started feeling her up and stripping her naked, I took off her top and her bra and banging, totally banging as she has these really nice C cup hard fake breast which still looked small on her as she is tall so has a slightly bigger frame.  I push her down and didnt want to waste time tapping her in missionary position, the penetration revealed that she has a really tight and sensitive pussy.  Heavy moaning and everytime, I shoved it all the way in and elevated my cock upwards, she would lift her legs up higher showing reaction to the sex.  Man, I was really into it as I hardly ever fucked a whore who was taller than I was, she was really hot.  Came faster than usual as my mind was really stimulated by the fact that she is taller than I was.  I rested up for ten minutes and tapped her again and was done in 50 minutes.  Excellent fucks.  The whore tells me that if I pay her some tips she will give me her wechat. I told her that I want to wrap her for $30000 HKD for a month so we should exchange wechats to discuss this deal....LOL

Conclusion is that $600 for 2 fucks is worth the money considering the quality of the whore I tapped.  However, it is also a trap for wolves as if you cannot make 2 shots in an hours, it is a rip off.  Also the bed like sofa was a little small so wasnt that comfortable fucking on it and anyone could had lifted up the curtain and saw us fucking which implies privacy issues.  Dont get conned to sing as they want to sit there for money to drop off of trees....LOL

發表於 2019-7-20 13:04:38 | 顯示全部樓層
"Mo Teng"' 有冇人知中文是甚麼?








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發表於 2019-7-21 21:54:08 | 顯示全部樓層








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 樓主| 發表於 2019-7-22 13:48:45 | 顯示全部樓層
Yes a mo teng is just like a kareoke with a open area concept.  Other people can hear you sing and whores will lgk up and perform without any stripping involved.  

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