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BB @ Purple Sugar Spa [English]









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發表於 2024-2-12 21:30:03 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
Sorry bro, Ive been busy lately dating girls I met online.  I do have a really fucked up online dating story to share but I would like to tell a unrelated story tonight first.

I havent seen my old time WB who use to roam DT with me and turtle calls me to hang out so we met at a pizza hut.  Turtle hasnt been doing good and I have been making so much that I am loaded so he expects me to pay and I let him order whatever he wants.  He tells me that it is almost christmas and he wants me to buy him a juice squeezer for Christmas that costs $140.  I was like you can go fuck yourself, you think I am a ATM?  Then he was like even if you cannot help pay the full price, it is ok if you spot me $40 dollar for a Christmas present?  

I am saying that this fucker doesnt know what he is fucking doing so let me beat some sense into him as this kid\'s gotzta get his priorities straight.  So if you tell me to spot you $40 for a juice squeezer that costs $140, it means that you have $100 right?  He was like yeah.  If you buy a juice squeezer, you will be able to make fresh juice for life.  If you take that $100 to whoring, you can probably get a BBBJ until you finish which will give you pleasure for the moment.  Mind you that a juice squeezer requires you to buy fruits as well which cost extra.  So tell me, would you rather buy a juice squeeze or go whoring?  The answer was obvious.  He laughed out loud and told me that I was right....LOL  So we went whoring right after lunch.....LOL

I havent whored for a long time, I thought that I will do some whoring with turtle to get some old time feeling back.  Since we were near the purple sugar plaza, that is where we went.  The poorer you are the harder it is to get your cash is a philosophy I learn when I ran my own get which also applies to Turtle.  He tells me that the $100 is in a bank account that doesnt work with ATMs and the only way he can get the money out is if he can borrow my cell phone and he has to install 3 apps before he can email transfer the money into my account so I can give him the money.  Fine.  So I lent him my cell and he transferred the money to me.

Right after he transferred it to me he ran into the entrance of Moonlight spa and rang the bell.  I was like hold on, I need to go to the ATM and grab you the cash first.  He was like no, I already rang the bell and if I leave right now and come back the whore wont open the door for me.  He will know the best as he got banned from the majority of the gigs for being a asshole customer back in the days but I can help it, how can you whore without cash?

He was furious telling me that the whore is probably scared now and I owe him $40 dollars for that.  He kept yelling at me for telling him to leave to grab cash like it was my fault.  He tells me he is tired and cannot walk to the ATM anymore and he just needs good service.  So I tell him that as a good friend, I will go to the ATM myself and he can wait for me in the moonlight plaza since I understand that he is tired...LOL  THis guy is so sneaky and no one can scam him as he told me no, if I let you leave, you will take off with my cash was exactly what I wanted to do....LOL

So we went to the ATM and went back to Moonlight and rang the door bell.  The whore yelled out telling us that they are closed.  I think it was because the whore recognizes me that I always deliver tangerines so didnt want to open the door for us and turtle busted out in flames, what the fuck did I tell you?  Because of you I cant get good service.  Like it is not my fault if you are 肉緊.  Then I told him to try purple sugar instead.  He was like good idea.......

So we go into purple sugar and he picks a tall skinny whore while I picked some really skinny as a toothpick whore with a banging body named bb and got onto the massage table for a massage.  Ive been worried about so issues lately so I am kinda skinny and lost my muscles on my back.  While bb was giving me a massage, she asked me why I am that skinny, do you like not eat?  I was like I eat 5 meals a day.  She was like what do you eat for breakfast then?  I was like I eat steak and eggs.  She was like then I guess you dont eat lunch then?  I was like I eat shark fin and abalone for lunch.  Then she was like if you eat lunch and breakfast, I am sure you dont eat dinner right?  I was like I dont like chinese food for dinner so I usaully have a big traditional french dinners.

BB askes me if I make all that myself?  Im like you think everyone is poor like you?  My papa hired a chef to cook our meals.  She was like how much do you pay the chef a month?   Im like he salary is really cheap, we pay him only $14000 per month.....LOL  Then she was like and the chef will clean your place after?  I was like we have 3 other servants that does that.  She was instantly in love and started asking me if I have a GF.  I told her no and looking for one who is skinny....LOL  She was all over me and offered my a lot of special services.....LOL  After tapping her good she askes me to take her out for dinner and she wants to go back to my place afterwards.  She wanted to take off from work right away but I tell her I cant cause I came with my friend and he is driving me but I got banging service.  She asked me for my wechat, but i didnt want to give it to her cause I got pics posted in my moments of my making out with my GF and didnt want service to decline cause I wanted to tap her a second time after some rest.  She begged so I gave it to her anyways.

Got out and turtle was telling me about how banging his whore was and how he is really happy about the BBBJ service.  At this moment as I needed to go back in for a second session with BB, another one of my online dating GFs called crying and wants to break up.  Man, I was looking at the time and PS was about to close soon and I really want a second shot with BB but I had to tum my online GF first cause she is young and banging and been giving me a lot of free pussy lately.  I was trying my best to tum her fast so I can get a second session with BB and danger called me.  I am in severe time constraints so I pressed the decline call button.  I fucking swear, Danger doesnt get it and called me 100 times so I pressed the decline call button 100 times.  

My online GF hears that someone is calling me 100 times and she tells me that if I am busy, dont ever see her again and hangs up on me.  Fuck, Danger is really causing me trouble and doesnt get it.  At this moment he calls again so I pick up thinking that the japanese forum burnt his house down or something and you know what he wanted to talk to me about?  He called me to tell me his session with a young whore and how she was all over him and gave him banging service was the trash he called me 100 times for.  He was up in the air celebrating with joy and talked about it for a whole fucking 20 minutes while I kept silent.  Then he was like how come you are excited to hearing my whoring story = if I had a shot gun, I will blow his head into pieces.

I run back into PS and BB was available so I tapped her a second time.  Man, I looked at the mirrors while I was tapping her and her legs are so fucking skinny but the service wasnt as good as the first time cause she  saw the pics of my making out with my gf and the extremely funny love poem I wrote her.  She started asking me about my gf and how old she is so I was like she is 22 and eats all my cum and blah blah blah.

Whoring is overrated nowaday and way too expensive is why I havent been for a long time and plus I have multiple civilian girls that I am tapping, but man, I havent had a good time whoring like this with a WB for a long time and it brings back feelings from back in the days.  

來源: [url=forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=436069]BB @ Purple Sugar Spa [English][/url]
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