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Chasing Civilian Girls - 矜持









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發表於 2024-8-8 01:52:05 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
I would like to share some tips with chasing civilian girls and I would like to take this chance to analyze the natural attraction between white guys and asian girls.  First of all, whores dont have "ging chi" cause they work in the sex industry so if you want to fuck them straight up, here is the cash and that is it.  They are giving up ging chi for cash.  Being able to get a whore in bed for free and being able to pimp them out is only one level of the girl chasing story.  With civilian girls, there is a addition layer of abstraction on top of what you need to get a whore in bed for free.  This additional layer of abstraction is 矜持.

What is 矜持?  In my terms it is kinda the same as having to need face but not exactly the same.  What will happen if you friend reveal that you are impotent in front a group of 13 people?  You will get mad at him for making you lose face.  It is the same concept with civilian girls.  The point of meeting a girl with a banging body and fake is to get them in bed, it is not you who wants to get them in bed, it is them who wants to go to bed with you as a females desires are as great as a guy.  But why does it feel that guys are hornier?  It is because females has ging chi that holds them back from telling all her sisters that he wants to fuck this guys that she like.  They are more implicit due to ging chi.

Ok great, you meet a banging CBV viet girl who wants to sleep with you.  You know it and she knows it.  So logically, you will pop the question and ask her to fuck, you be explicit like this, she will run away and get mad at you.  Why?  Because you made them lose face as the ging chi will make them not want to look like sluts so even when she is horny as fuck losing face will make her lose interest.  This is just one example.  There are many different forms that ging chi can take on.  Remember that time that hot CBC girl asked you to go to her place to talk and you totally missed the opportunity and they started hating you after that?  It is once again ging chi in action.

What I am trying to say that the fact that you didnt get a girl in bed who was interested in you was most likely because of her ging chi.  You had trigger a form of her ging chi for her to reject you.  It is always the ging chi that get a guy fucked and therefore a civilian girls ging chi is a horny guy's biggest enemy.  So the main question is that hot CBC girl wants to fuck you hard but you cannot ask her to go fuck which totally fucking contradicts the situation which is what make this extremely hard.  

I went through the 16 steps of how to get a civilian girl in bed with Danger and our conclusion is that it is so hard and complexed that you might as well pay for whoring, it is much easier.  I am saying this:  if a girl has ging chi towards you it means she doesnt love you yet.  If she loses her ging chi in front of you it means that she fell in love.  You CANNOT talk about sex.  If she talks about sex first then you can talk about it.  After you guys had a night on the phone discussing about sex and hang up.  Then let me ask you this:  next day she calls you again, are you allow to talk about sex?  I mean she talk to you yesterday about it?  You dare to bring it up before she brings it up the next day, she will run as you will have activated her ging chi.  You see how complicated this is right?

Remember in HK, those HK girls will always go like:  oh white girls from abroad are more open minded.  They will say this and I guarantee you that these HK girls fucks more than white girls do but why do they still say that white girls are more open minded?  This is not a matter of who fucks more but rather a matter of who has more ging chi.  Asian girls has the most ging chi compared to girls from other races is why they see themselves as less open minded when they fuck more and is the same reason why asian girls are most feminine and on top of the dating chain compared to girls of other races which make them the hardest to get once again due to their high level of ging chi.

I have always noticed banging asian girls dating white guys.  I felt there was a natural attraction between them so after I picked up my GYJ skills I decided to explore why this is which brings us to the story I will tell.  I meet a white guy who told me that there is this asian girl chasing him and he wants to fuck the shit out of.  I was like nice I really feel glory for the chinese people when CBC girls dates white guys so many respect to you bro and the idiot believed the shit I fed him and we started to become closer, what a feeble mind he's got, why would an asian girl want him?  

Then he invited me to a group event telling me he wants me to see how the CBC girl is chasing him so I can be proud of my country and dont understand how hard I will jack him.  This is excellent, I earned a chance to observe the interaction and I will be able to figure everything out with my GYJ skills.  I watched how the CBC traitor was chasing him.  Then I actually saw the girl inviting him out to somewhere and he missed the opportunity and I was like in my mind, you are done my friend.  Surprisingly she didnt get mad and keep taking to him which was strange.  Then she asked him to go somewhere else again and he missed the opportunity again.  My god what is going on?  Then I figured it out.  The natural attraction I was feeling is because a asian girl will lose out on all her ging chi when they are with white guys which I cannot explain.  Why does a asian girl use ging chi on asian guys but will not for white guys, no wonder it is so easy for them.

Ok, my research is done now I see him laughing and still having a good time after he activated the CBC girl's ging chi another 20 more time and nothing happened to him.  Ok, I see, so what if I activate the CBC girl ging chi on him, what will happen?  I am assuming she will run away cause the white guy is too creepy but I dont know if the force of nature is more powerful or my GYJ tricks but that is what I have to test and then I may be able to learn more clues off this to further my research...LOL  I will find a way.

So I was watching for a chance is when she went to get food with the white guy.  After they ordered I saw the CBC girl taking out her wallet which is once again losing out on her ging chi is when I changed the placement of the pepper bottle on the table is when she got really mad at the white guy not offering to pay.....LOL  I stepped in and told my white friend that it is not good etiquette to make a girl pay for you in asian culture to fuel the fire....LOL  Then I flipped the pepper bottle back to it's original position and the CBC girl starts chatting with me is when I fed her 1 hour of trash talk....LOL

I asked her to go to bed with me while evading the land minds of her ging chi as it is extremely easy for us asian guys to activate for them to think that I am scared you are a creepy stocker type of ging chi and I fucked her hard at the end.  I avenged our supreme HK race from white guys.  I did it for the us chinese guys so they dont think we are WFs.  With skills required to get free sex from whore one has to aggressively pull moves on the whore, you are the one pulling the moves so it is under your control is why whore are easier.  Conversely with Civilian girls, you are trying evading their ging chi to get to your objective of getting them in bed which is something that cannot control as their ging chi is controlling me.

If Danger askes me when I can get that whore in bed I can tell him straight up this time and day.  When Danger askes me when I can get a civilian girl in bed (happened many times before) I will say within 3 to 7 days cause it is not under my control.  Therefore getting a whore in bed for free is easier than getting a civilian one in bed.  The conclusion is that white guys gets a WAY easier time getting asian girls in bed for this reason.  Overtaking a white guy's CBC girl was one of my dreams as I cannot have them looking down on chinese people like that.

PS:  Dont tell me that I didnt teach you guys anything.  Think about what I said and see if you can learn the tricks and solve the problems.

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