發表於 2018-9-27 15:49:33
Japenese Channel:
-They will come out whoring with you, but quality of whoring trips arent the best as it is always about business
-Instructions arent clear and based on brainwashing as whatever you do is wrong
-Forced to take a piece of the pie or else it will piss the admins off
-Encourages for other races like japenese, whites and blacks to score off asian women
-They wont tell you, instead they will diu you in front of public and make you lose face when they know you in person
-They dont care as they only want to extract information to make money for themselves
-It is all about money and they dont care about your life or death
-Quality whoring trips as it is all about fun
-Cares about your well being
-Can talk about reviews as WBs and not entirely using you
-Reviews are more accurate
-Dont force you to do shit you dont want
-More understanding admins and will not give you a hard time
-They tell you what they really think and you dont get jacked around
-admins are funny, laugh until you die |