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Annual Review









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發表於 2019-9-21 17:35:37 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
本帖最後由 cataztrophe 於 2019-9-22 12:34 編輯

Whoring Prophets from Japan has foresaw my future in HK that I would turn broke if I were in HK.  I would like to amend to this statement within this post.  They were right that I fucked the whole HK, but I had examined the money I had saved this year compare to last year when I was in Toronto and I had saved the exact same amount when I am making $700 CAD more per month in HK.  I had times where I fucked my whole month worth of salary away but whoring in HK is just so much cheaper so I am fucking 3 to 4 more whores with the same money I spent with whoring in Toronto = fucking Costco where I am buying in batches.

Frequency of Whoring
I am trying to hold up, but I am just fucking 5 to 6 days a week and at least 10 fucks between Friday night and Sunday.  If I fucked less during the weekend, I can probably be able to fuck everyday.  Number one favorite place to fuck is Temple street that carries the cheapest prices and youngest whores in town.  Horse basket is number #2 but just dropped to number #3 after Kin Hing 141 Building as my second favorite place to fuck.  

Horse Basket
Horse basket is a good alternative to beauty pageant gig as I love how the triad dude presents the line up of 40 whores...LOL  I get to check the whores out in the opened area with other wolves and I can discuss the line up and whoring experience where I am just blasting trash like the blow water king I am in Downtown beauty pageant gigs and keeper and wolves loves my trash.  Line up comes up to the horse basket in batches of 10s.  I can tell the keeper to remember this whore while checking out the next batch.  Keeper knows my taste.

Fuck the Keeper
I would like to explain why it dropped to my #3 favorite spot to go to.   After I fucked a tall skinny whore, I wanted to give her $70 HKD tips as the total cost is $430 HKD.  The fucking keeper tells me that whores comes and goes and it is useless giving them tips and might as well give it to him instead = go fuck your mother.  The asshole actually dared to ask me for tips.  So how much is this going to cost now?  Not $430 no more and getting close to $500.  Since the set up of horse baskets is all horse baskets in the area shared the same girls owned by pimps who hangs out in a 7-11, there is a lot more games they can play.  Shit like I know what kind of whores you like and what you bottom limits are and since the whores hangs out on the street, I will call up the whores at your bottom limit and tell you there are no more whores to con me to fuck my bottom limit whores first and then when I am about to leave call up MCOT whores to make me fuck a few more times.  Once I figured out that I got conned = revenge = I will chop your "tall days" as there are tall days the each horse basket has that only works for a designated horse basket and supposedly the gig's gems.  However, as experienced in Toronto, if I chop their whores, they will fuck me back and eventually get black listed and mind you this that the HK keepers are all affiliated to gangs so I let them off and decided to go less.  Constantly trying to scheme to to con more $$ of me and HK people are cut throat in the sense that there is no past relationship as it all about the bling.

As conning is concerned it is way harder to con in HK.  The issue is that most whores are 7 day fairies.  The young and stupid ones are only in HK for 7 days.  Within their minds the concept of "being with you FOREVER" which is the key phrase in a female's line of weakness does not exist which is the critical element for conning them.  Therefore, if this does not exist, conning isnt possible as what exist in their mind is pure grab your fucking money and run.  With ones who can stay in HK permanently, they had conned a HK WF to marry them and then divorced them.  These whores been through a lot of shit and are "low gong wu" so really hard to conned.  They are usually older too so hard to find a banging target worth conning.  Compensated dating whore known as PTGFs, these whores are perfect targets for conning, but it costs $500 CAD/hour for a fuck with a young HK whore.  Perfects targets, but am I willing to spend the overhead costs, fuck no man, with $500 CAD, I can fuck 12.5 whores at temple street.   Keepers in HK are really smart too.  I go into a thai gig and con 4 whores.  I come back the next day and the keeper hated me and banned me right there = smart girl.   Right there and they figure me out in a split instant.  Macau whores are all fucking trained professionally to con customers and therefore really hard to rip off as I think a lot of smart wolves pulls moves there.

All Time Favorite ATF Little Snow
My one and only love is little snow.  Small skinny spinner with fake breast with excellent service and goddess like face from the 4 villages and 7 day fairy.  She is 28 but a "low gong wu", I tried hard conning her but she is really powerful and returned her moves to me and wouldnt let me control her at 100%.  I get my share of free pussy from her but I also spend a hell of a lot on her in terms of tips and dinner with her.  I absolutely have dinner with her everyday when she is in HK.  I can honestly fuck her everyday and not get bored as she is just so banging hot and totally MCOT.  I didnt care about the protests going on but at the end it affected me.  They are now limited 7 day fairies from coming to HK and little snow isnt allow to come until the end of the year = Fuck.  My other favorites like bicycle and little water fall is in the same situation left with recycled whores.  The whole temple street knows me as her BF = WF = LOL

Dating With HK Civilians Girls
I am saying this.  HK girls are banging hot with those jean short and white running shoes on and there are just so many more skinny girls available.  I am running the same games i am running with whores....LOL  There is just so many more girls here for me to chase.  I dated around 20 to 25 different HK civilian girls on dates.  I would say that 25% of them are gold diggers susceptible to my games, but most of them are genuine.  I would say that 75% of them aint hot while the 25% I dated who were hot were only out for ONS or SP relationships with me.  These kind of relationships does not exist in Toronto as there are more guys compared to girls in Toronto so girls can get BFs for sexual relationships easily, but in HK, when there are more females than guys, not all girls gets enough as quoting my mentor who tells me that females has needs to is so true as the hot ones are hot to get good sex.  They will go looking for BFs and if guys like me dont qualify against their high standards and if I am not bad looking, she will start "using" me for sex.  I meet this banging hot HK girl Sandy who is a 33 year old skinny spinner who is 4'10 tall who I am fucking on a regular basis.  Man, she doesnt fuck as much as whores so her hole is really dam small and she is really into the sex.  I BBFS her all the time when she is on the pill.  I had an opportunity for a SP relationship with this smoking hot HK girl Holly but missed it as I didnt catch her hints.  The other reason a HK girl would engage in a SP relationship is due to being in a relationship with a guy she loves but her partner aint able to fuck her as hard as I can....LOL  As for genuine relationships, there was like 2 to 3 girls who qualifies who was average looking, skinny and more than fuckable.  I will not expose too much of my personally long term relationship info so if you want to find out, you can ask danger who never picks up my calls.

I am really fucked out and had enough sex for once and had accomplished my main objective of coming to HK.  I had picked up a few new moves and tricks and will use for burning down the japanese channel when I get back to Toronto soon.  Watch out sell outs, a notorious S8 moderator will be back soon to join the battle...LOL








長9王 / 耐力王 / 創會始祖 / 頂級元老

Rank: 20Rank: 20Rank: 20Rank: 20Rank: 20



發表於 2019-9-22 22:01:00 | 顯示全部樓層
Come on man, I do pick up your calls 9 out of 10 times...and talks about how ugly oily hair monster and Bald Eagle is...and when to upload their photos








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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7



 樓主| 發表於 2019-9-25 13:37:31 | 顯示全部樓層
危天行 發表於 2019-9-22 22:01
Come on man, I do pick up your calls 9 out of 10 times...and talks about how ugly oily hair monster  ...

When?  Whenever a whore shuts me out, a whore gives me shit service or a keeper conning me and if i cannot get back at them and really mad is when we should post it.  

發表於 2019-9-28 22:22:25 | 顯示全部樓層
Home welcoming you back soon
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