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Mini unsuccessful adventure

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發表於 2021-5-7 16:21:37 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式

I was horny today and I had a list of mm want to visit and try:
- Quentina @ MW (https://moonwaitingvip.com/girl/quentina/)
- Sara @ TGF
- Angela @ Muse also Casey @ Secret Party (http://www.musevip.ca/angela.html)
- Everly @ BBF

Originally I booked Angela or Casey today at Fairview Mall Dr. I went but it wasn't my cup of tea so I left.
Based on her face, I will score her a 6 pt,She sorta has a babyface look and I would say Muse photos of her resemble the most; however, photos of her on Secret Party looks nothing at on. She wore a black lingre dress, I see one of her arm she has a tatoo. Age is about 20s, I would rate her 24 yrs old max. Face doesnt too attractive and the cup is my range. Posted C but looks like a big B. Since it wasn't my type, didnt feel like burning $500 for hour.

Then I attempted to book Quentina @ MW and Sara @ TGF. Unfortunately unable to see them at the time I wanted to. They are available later this afternoon. Is not a good time for me to stay out this late so I decline to book them.

Then I saw BabyFace, Everly's cup fit my type, B cup. More like A + when I see her. Not flat but some form. Her hair was dye, silver gray. Based on her face, I will score her a 5.5 to 6 pt max. She can speak fluent English, but unfortunately not my cup of tea based on face so I left. I find $300 for half an hour is not worth it.

Thats my adventure. Sorry if I offend anyone.








長9王 / 耐力王 / 創會始祖 / 頂級元老

Rank: 20Rank: 20Rank: 20Rank: 20Rank: 20



發表於 2021-5-7 23:33:54 | 顯示全部樓層
BBF is known to have fake pics, overpriced girls and bait and switch...I was suprised you still have the guts to go. But luckly you didn't become a water fish...
 樓主| 發表於 2021-5-8 05:08:16 | 顯示全部樓層
It's my sunfu money, if i dont like it and not going to enjoy it i will feel regret afterwards. I rather save it and wait for other opportunities or use it elsewhere
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