沉晚想搵人按個靚骨輕鬆一下, 但係望下個鐘都 8點9個字, 按條毛咩....
出門口已經 9都縮, 凍到腳板底都赤赤痛. 按唔X到, 索性搵間飲食集團鬆下"小天行"好過啦
為穩陣起見, 都係打開MW張菜單睇下. 記起LYDIA一向嘅報告都講到佢唔惦, 但係一直又比佢張相吸引住, 朋友又問張相有幾真, 好!! 我就選佢,解開朋友嘅迷團, 順便睇下吹水台準唔準.
到達現場附近, 又要落車凍多次, 但為咗"小天行" 嘅利益著想, 都係要9縮多一次
門後嘅大廚 LYDIA著住高跟鞋高過我, 原來除咗之後就和我差不多5'-6"左右.
第一個印象LYDIA比到我都好友善, 而且亦好溫柔. 從真人可以確認到照片係佢本人, 身型亦出
入唔大,只係臉應該有好輕微PS過. 但無論真人或照片都係靚女一名冇走雞. 照片相似度 90%.
大廚幫我沖洗時都細心溫柔,有說有笑,氣氛開始熟落起來. 我當然冇RBL兄咁候禽又揸又車啦
我地呢啲斯文型黎GA MA... 另外,佢腰部有一段好似係英文嘅紋身. 問佢係咩佢英文差解唔到比我聽...
主菜就係一直比人寫唔好嘅地方. 但到呢一刻都唔見有咩唔妥. 同大廚四目交投, 我終於忍唔住同佢車起上黎啦。佢亦好主動配合伸出黎任我吸吮猶如一對熱戀中嘅情侶。
跟住,LYDIA好唔客氣咁就擔起碌大肉腸起勁咁吸吮,而碌大肉腸亦被吮到充晒血,大廚 LYDIA見狀叫了一聲 "Oh! You are very long & big"...呢個時侯,我亦開始注意
到隻鮑魚。屬於一線鮑型而且毛髮亦清理乾淨,鮑鮮度算是中上了。大廚 LYDIA
Face: 8.5/10
Body: 8.5/10
Abalone: 8.5/10
Service: 8.5/10
Repeat: At least once
I had a dream yesterday, the content as follow:
Trying to find a spa massage to relax, but it's almost 9pm, WTF....
Step out my house, my dick is shrinking and my foot is freezing due to the cold.
No massage anyway, why not treat my little brother a nice meal.
To be on the safe side, I search for MW's menu. I remember there are bad reviews about Lydia,
however, I am also attracted by her photos and my friends had asked me if they are real.
Inorder to find it out, I'd decided to choose Lydia.
Arrived to the neighbourhood, for the sake of my little brother, I need to get off my car and my little
brother has to shrink one more time.
Behind the door found the pretty chef Lydia wearing high heel. She looks taller than me but in fact
she's only 5'-6" when the shoes are off.
My first impression to Lydia is very friendly, approachable and tender. I can confirmed the photos are
real and the body are close to the pictures as well. Face may be a little touch up by PS but she is for
sure a pretty girl regardless of the minor PS. Photos matching is 90%.
Chef Lydia helped me & my brother cleaning up and things started to heat up a little.
I'm not like brother RBL who always act impatient. I didn't squeeze her boobies nor doing something else.
Her waist has a few lines of tatoos in the form of some English writing. I'd asked her what's the meaning
but her English is not good enough to explain to me.
Main course were the source of people wrote bad reviews about. However, I did not find anything I
don't like so far. Looking at Lydia straight to her eyes, I can't hold any longer and pulled her towards
me and started the passion DFK. She's very cooperate and let me suck her tongue as a way to say
thank you to her. We were like a couple in love.
Lydia then start to taste the big sausage and suck the hell out of it. The big sausage was getting larger &
larger(hyperemia). Lydia look at the sausage and say" Oh!You are very long & big"....At the same time,
I started to observe the abalone and found that it is very clean & well shaved. The rating for its freshness
is above average. The abalone is indeed very tight. The big & long sausage had hit the deepest spot
and Lydia shows a mix of enjoy + painful expression on her face.
A strong and intense white liquid had released and we were like a couple who deeply fall in love and both
had reached the climax at the same time.
All of a sudden, I woke up and found that the above were just a dream.
Face: 8.5/10
Body: 8.5/10
Abalone: 8.5/10
Service: 8.5/10
Repeat: At least once