Trying to hunt few days ago with MW but most of their girls are booked. Always reluctant to try new or unknown
agency from my past bad experience. Photos on their site are tempting but a little too good to be true so there I go TOFTT to
find out.
Location is close to Yonge & 2 mins south of Steels drive. It's a house with lots of servalience camera I guess it's pretty safe.
I went inside the keeper greeted me and I can see the monitor is showing almost every inches of the house surroundings. Not bad.
Keeper took me upstair to see Moo A and the door opened there I saw Moo A.
I'll say her face is about 78% of the photo and body is a bit shorter than the photo but you can see the photo is her with a little
touch up of course. Face I'll add about one or two more years to the picture to be realistic how she looks now but 78% assembled of
the photo. I'd asked the keeper to show me other girl but NMCOT and I ended up with Moo A. I think the other one is Sa yu ri. She's
a bit taller than Moo A but I like MooA's face better.
Won't say too much about the detail of my ML as I don't do fancy stuff. But I can at least open up another choice for Korean MM for
myself. Overall she is still a decent meal despite the fact that not too many good one out there.
Face: 7.8
Body: 8
Service: 8
Repeat: No. Too many out there. I like to try different girls.