沒有試過呢間SPA, 早幾日試 吓運氣,因為聽人講SPA好少正嘢, 可遇不可求.
上到去唔知算唔算好彩, 老板話有個第二日番工, 剛19歲生日. 好像叫Angela(可能記錯唔定).
佢行出黎迎接我真係好細個. 老板提我佢係生手,好多嘢仲學緊, 如果要熟手就唔好搵佢住,等佢多些經驗先.
呵呵,我最喜歡生手啦, 貪佢咩都唔識聽我指揮 . 其實上得呢類spa都唔志在按成點, 最緊要後生就最好.
樣貌當然冇Nana,Tina咁索, 但貪佢夠青澀, 矮矮地, 輕微babyfat, 過程係生手嘅, 但好聽話.
去睇唔啱就走,唔好寫衰佢啦, 佢好怕人寫, 因為目前確實比較生手. 而且亦等錢用,無謂斷人米路啦.
Service: 唔比了,自己去感受吓吧.
Due to my friends told me SPA will never have any nice girls.
Therefore, never tried Honey SPA before, tried my luck few days ago.
Not sure if this is considered lucky or not, owner told me there is a 19 years old girls Angela just start working on her second day.
Angela came out to greet me and she looks so young. Owner told me she is very new and still in her learning process.
If I want an experience massage, I better pick another. But I stay with Angela. Since I like green girls...haha..
They will be obey my command better than those experienced one.
I don't care about the massage skills anyway, I only care about her age and face.
Face of course cannot compare with our goddess Nana and Tina, but I like her freshness.
She is a bit short, little baby fat on her body, process can tell she's very green. But very co-operative.
It won't hurt to go and take a look, just leave if you don' like her. But Don't write bad review on her since she is just a student,
need money for tuition or something, just let her earn some extra money.
Service:Go try by yourself.