隔離台兩個ON 9 仔, 好 X 心啦, 又暗示屈9 我出報告寫TOAsian, 一睇就知條友真係有去食先寫到detail出黎啦. 唔通我比錢叫人上去食完寫衰佢咩, 你都ON 9 嘅.
你地都幾X得意GA喎, 原來我咁X 神通廣大, 你比人攪咩X都入晒我數.
我地一早同TOAsian講X 咗唔比用假嘢 騙狼友, 亦講明如果真的有欺騙成份, 有人寫都唔會幫手刪除, 更何況佢BANNER係LINK去網站,
就會影響到SEX8嘅聲譽. 學你咁講話佢出面做D咩你管唔到就死得人啦, 狼友去你論壇連接去網站有假嘢欺騙狼友都唔關你事, 你冇X 嘢呀...
真係唔X知呢D係咩X 嘢歪理.
而且TOAsian現在只係避風頭,下個月會出番(如果佢厄我就另計), 我為咩要寫嗅佢, 仲要呢個時候咁明顯, 用吓腦啦ON9.
最後, 忍9 夠你地了, 話人賤格嘅人先係真正賤格嘅小人, 我地早前搬台, 停了2星期, 呢兩條狗娘生的雜種四處說盡我們壞話,
叫所有場停止我們廣告不特只, 仲好心機 到整X 咗個假SEX8 網站出黎, 仲一早COPY晒我地所有BANNER.
仲有, 唔該你地响出面對D女好 啲啦仆街, 攪 X 到我去親SPA啲比較YOUNG啲 嘅女都會指名道姓先問老板我是否你兩個其中一個仆街,
係就唔X做, 連望都唔比望, 費X事得罪你比你寫 X 嗅. 你地攪X到啲SPA 女對我地神憎鬼厭呀 7 頭.如果我有作嘢我生愛滋,影X衰哂我地你老味。
Those two stupid "Otaku" at other forum, give me a break please, implied the fake report about TOAsian is written by me. Are you stupid or what?! The guy wrote the review in details and even pointed out the girl is in fact an Asian who pretended a Korean.
Am I that stupid to pay someone to try and write a review after? You dumb ass.
We had informed TOAsian before they post their ad that we have zero tolerance about using fake pictures and reviews.
We had also informed them if such an issue happened, and if someone/members write a review to point it out, we will not help them to clear/delete the post. This is a mutual agreement.
Moreover, the banner is linked directly to their website which will affect Sex8's reputation if they were using fraudulent pictures and information.
If follow your logic, they can post whatever they want even their website is linked directly to your forum?!? Give me a fucking break.
What kind of stupid logic is that?!?
And also, TOAsian is only temporary put their ad in rest mode for a month and had told me it will resume next month (Unless he lied).
Then why the hell I'll write a fucking stupid review against our user?!? What benefit will I get from it?!? Use your brain you dumb ass.
Lastly, I can't tolerate you two "No brain" anymore. You two despicable dick head, bad mouthing us to all the owners while we stop
our site and move it overseas. And not only that, you also created a fake sex8 website while we were down to confuse people.
You both are the NO.1 asshole all time.
One more thing, please treat the girl out there nicely. Every time I went to SPA, all the young girls will hide in the room and ask the
owner if I'm Ben or Jerry from that forum. If so, they don't even want to see us or service us. They don't want to offend you in any way so
you will threaten to write bad reviews. What an asshole of you making them think the moderator of all forums are the same. You piece of shit.
All I'm saying is the truth. I'll have AIDS if I lied.