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Candy @ Spa 1 [English]

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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7



發表於 2016-10-17 08:29:33 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
I wasn't about to come here as I heard there was no FS but all my online WBs was telling me that I must check it out cause the girls were flirty.  Had to go visit my WB in uptown so might as well go whoring there.  I got in 2 hot girls were there.  They both started flirting with me and both of there giggled a lot.  One of the girls asked me:

Her:  You are so handsome, I don't know why you have to come to these places?
Me:  Yeah, I know what you mean girl, but I really don't feel comfortable coming to these places usually
Her:  Why don't you feel comfortable?
Me:  Cause I find that massage girls are usually very fake (or she must had gave her optometrist bad service)

When they heard this, for some reason they stopped giggling and  flirting with me and just showed me the lineup.  This was the hottest lineup I ever seen.  4 girls and 3 of them were good.  I thought that Candy was the hottest, she has a banging body.  She was around 5'4, skinny like a stick and most amazingly being that skinny, she has natural C cup breast that was shaped like a water drop.  I never like natural breast but hers was I must say wow........I couldn't keep my eyes off her body but I think she has a pretty face as well, like just the perfect bang package so I picked her.  Looks early twenties and mandarin.  I wasnt about to go in with no FS, but Candy was just so hot.

Candy has some massage skills compared to those that just swipes their hand over your body.  I opted for a BS for $80 with HH fees as in massages as the longer the session, the more value it is for the customers.  Her body slide consisted swiping her CCups across my back and front for 30 seconds with her underwear on.  God burn those underwears.  While the main hand course, she was sitting where my feet wear while jacking me off so I didn't get to touch her.  Very nice view so he knows that she has leverage to give sub par service. I am saying that the $40 to HJ and 20 to take of clothes to see and touch her body was very worth it, but the other 20 for the BS was not really.

She talked to me a lot during the massage and tried to find out which famous reviewer on what board I am but I just told her shit.  They seem to be proactive about finding who is a reviewers.  It was so busy that day and felt like an assembly line.  I felt that there was no YMMV factor as they knew what they were doing as a team.  People tell me that receptionist is like a goddess, but I don't consider her hot at all but rather a little better than average.  I say that this is a very good place for those who are into hot and young spring chickens and people that want to be in a fantasy world as they know how to create that kind of atmosphere for them (free of charge) with no FS.








Rank: 6Rank: 6



發表於 2016-11-4 19:07:33 | 顯示全部樓層
Mmmm, a young spring chicken with a set of C'S? They must have awfully nice...
I don't know Brother, I prefer a good massage to get the blood flowing to the right places and flirty touching, as does Brother Morphius. I see someone that does not even advertise on S8. Not sure if I can give her review here.
Thanks, for sharing
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