My experience tells me it is less than 50% ......more misses than hits for sure. This is why it is very important for all bros to share their experience here so everyone would benefit from these reports.
robinhood 發表於 2015-8-29 14:43
My experience tells me it is less than 50% ......more misses than hits for sure. This is why it i ...
Exactly, it's more miss than hit.
But I am okay with it. I want to try all. Have you ever fuck a fat girl? Or a short girl? Or crazy chick? Gotta try them all.
Life is short, fuck them all!
Mr. 危, have you seen this Gina in person? How do you compare her with Yubi? Is she pretty? Seems like the same type, short with big boobs. Please comment.
robinhood 發表於 2015-8-30 13:30
Mr. 危, have you seen this Gina in person? How do you compare her with Yubi? Is she pretty? See ...
IMO, Gina is much younger and prettier than Yubi. Her latest photos is 100% of her in person. What you see is what you get from her recent pictures. Heard that she has a little tummy.